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The Best Way to Nourish Ourselves


By breaking out of our Food Ruts!

We’re all in one.  They are the foods that taste good to us. They don’t take much planning or time to prepare.  We don’t have to search out where it is in the grocery store.  It’s the perfect grab-and-go.  Bottom line: it’s a habit that doesn’t require extra brain power.


My challenge to you is to bust out of that rut in the easiest and smallest of ways:


Try 1 new food each week for the month of March.

(that’s only 3 weeks since I’m late getting this newsletter out to you)


Let me clarify a bit first: this doesn’t mean to try the new H

abanero-Rancho-Cheddar-Dorito flavor.  I’m suggesting that we each try a new fruit, vegetable, bean, grain, protein, nut or seed – aka – unprocessed natural food, that we’ve never tried before.   Thank you, Google search.


I know what you’re thinking: Why do this if what I’m in a rut with is healthy?

·      It forces us to make a conscious healthy food choice in our day. So many are unconscious choices.

·      By expanding the variety of plants we eat (fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, beans, grains)  we are nourishing a bigger variety of our good gut bacteria and helping them to flourish and restore a healthier balance in our gut microbiome.

·      Keeps us curious!

·      Keeps us discovering!

·      It’s an important way to grab more gusto out of life!


Are you in?


My newbie this week was Dragon Fruit, beautiful and a little scary. 



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